What should I expect on a Sunday morning?

Our service is about an hour-long intergenerational worship service. We include the best of traditional and modern worship elements, believing that the church is always reforming to speak clearly to the current generation. We are rooted in tradition, but not stuck in it.

You’ll enjoy the engaging sermons of Pastor Elizabeth. Her gentle and joyous spirit (and occasional North Carolina drawl) will embrace you, surprise you, and, we hope, nudge you forward in your relationship with Christ.

At a Peace service, we pray together, we read Scripture together, and we sing together. Services are highly participatory.

We celebrate Communion every week using grape juice and homemade bread baked in our sanctuary. Anyone at any age who seeks Christ is welcome to receive at the communion table. It's not our communion table - it's Christ's. And it's open to all.


How do I find your church?

Our address is 12705 FL-64-E Lakewood Ranch, FL 34212.

How do I worship with you?

We welcome you to join us in worshipping the sanctuary on Sundays at 9:30 am or online here.

Who is welcome at Peace?

Everyone! We mean it. Whatever your race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic situation, age, or level of ability, you are God’s beloved, invited to participate fully in the life and ministries of this congregation.

What should I wear?

We want you to walk in and feel at home. Wear what makes you comfortable and able to focus on your time at Peace. Some of us dress up for worship, and others do not. You'll fit in no matter what you're wearing.

What about my kids?

Peace celebrates children in worship. Our worship order includes a weekly children's sermon, and we invite them to join in Communion. A rocking chair in the narthex (lobby) invites parents to be with their squirmy ones while still seeing and hearing worship. Infants and preschoolers are welcome in our nursery, supervised by professional childcare providers.

Youth and elementary-aged children are encouraged to worship with their families or may sit at our family tables to engage in quiet activities during worship.

I have hearing/visual/mobility/dietary issues. Is there any special assistance?


For those who are hearing impaired, we have a hearing loop that should connect automatically to your hearing aids.

For those who are visually impaired, we project readings, prayers, and hymns on large screens to the left and right of the communion table.  

For those with mobility concerns, we can gladly accommodate walkers, wheelchairs, or any other equipment on our campus.  If you prefer to stay seated at Communion, servers will come to you.  

For those with dietary concerns, we offer a gluten-free wafer and juice at Communion, as well as snacks during Fellowship labeled with dietary information. After taking your gluten-free wafer from the Communion table, feel free to slip back in line to receive your blessing.