
Children are cherished and welcomed at Peace Church. Damaris Luna provides childcare for the worship service each week.

Child care is also provided for Lively Learning to allow parents to participate in classes. 

Damaris Luna is our professional childcare manager. Damaris is a child development specialist who serves as co-director of Kids R Kids, daycare in Lakewood Ranch during the week. She has three children of her own and understands the needs of families. Jaclyn Carrington is our other professional childcare worker. All staff and volunteers who work with children have been fingerprinted and background-checked. Your children are safe at Peace.

Andy and Damaris (Fall 2014)

Children in Worship

Children up to age 11 participate in the first part of the worship service and come forward for the children's sermon.

After the children's sermon, infants, toddlers, and preschoolers are invited to either remain with their parents in worship, or go to the Nursery and childcare room for supervised play during the sermon. When Communion begins after the sermon, parents may go pick up their children and bring them to take Communion.

Parents who wish to keep their infants and preschoolers in the worship service are welcome to do so.  If your child becomes restless, you are welcome to retreat to the narthex (lobby) where you can still hear and see worship. 

Coloring sheets, clipboards, and crayons are available in the narthex (lobby) and flexible seating at tables is available for families.
